How Do I Believe In God?
The Holy God Most High Summons Every Person To Apologise
God is totally perfect without even the tiniest hint of evil in His thoughts or actions.
Sovereign God is the designer of honesty, holiness, purity, love, patience and much, much more than that. And that is exactly how He made this planet.
The Facts Concerning Sovereign God
It is not something that God simply made a decision to enact, to make life more complicated for us, it's just who He is. God cannot ever be anything else, or act another way. Every one of His laws are in place to guard His holy nature and to watch over humans.
These things were instituted 'into' the whole cosmos, and installed into humans.
the Most High God will never do anything that opposes His Being. You could refer to it as the 'constant laws and regulations of the cosmos.'
So, the Sovereign God of the Bible is the Great Maker God of the whole cosmos, as well as the creator of the littlest piece of a molecule, which is too small to see. Scripture says this of God:
I am the LORD; that is my name; my glory I give to no other, nor my praise to carved idols. (Isaiah 42:8) For the Lord thy God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. (Deuteronomy 4:24)
The LORD is high above all nations; His glory is above the heavens. (Psalm 113:4)
Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and on the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head above all. (1 Chronicles 29:11)
And all the messengers stood around the throne...and they fell upon their face, and bowed before God, (Revelation 7:11)
Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if you have understanding... (Job 38:4)
You know, for you were born then, and the number of your days is great!..... (Job 38:21)
"Can you connect the chains of the constellation Pleiades or untie the ropes of Orion?..... (Job 38:31)
Moreover the LORD answered Job, and said: And the Lord God answered Job, and said, Many are the counsels of God; he who reproves God must answer for it. Then Job replied to the LORD and said, Behold, I am vile; what shall I answer you? I will lay my hand upon my mouth. I have spoken once, but I have no answer?twice, but I have nothing to add.?..... Will you even annul My judgment? Will you condemn Me so that you may be righteous? Or hast thou an arm like God? And can thou thunder with a voice like him? (Job 40:1-5, 8,9)
Job said: "I know that you can do everything and that your plans are unstoppable. Who is he that obscureth counsel without knowledge? therefore have I uttered what I did not understand; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not. 'Hear, I pray thee, and I -- I do speak, I ask thee, and cause thou me to know.' I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye sees you. Therefore I loathe it, And I have sighed on dust and ashes.? (Job 42:1-6)
?Blessed spiritually prosperous, happy, to be admired are the poor in spirit those devoid of spiritual arrogance, those who regard themselves as insignificant, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven both now and forever. (Matthew 5:3)
Most people these days, have only been told about God, they have not truly encountered Him.
So why then, do humans pridefully insist on explanations from the Creator God, to anything and everything we take issue with? Yes indeed, the practical queries we have of the suffering of the innocent and of proper justice are valid, nonetheless not to the magnitude where we can command the Almighty Holy God to offer humans an account of His seemingly stupid handling of this life.
If The Creator God Creates A Creature, It Belongs To Him
God not only owns the whole cosmos, but He also owns us as well, and what He requires is that which is His. His requirement is to love and serve Him in turn. It's difficult for you to accept, but this planet is His toy, and He will make it how He wants. If I or you made it, we would make the terms and conditions. But, God Most High tells us:
'And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. And these words which I command thee to do shall be upon thy heart;' (Deuteronomy 6:5-6)
If Holy God Wished For Robotic Machines He Might Have Created Human Beings As Robotic Machines
The Creator God could have taken every threat from this life, to make our life easier, but only by making everybody as compliant robots. But that is most definitely not what the Creator God desired.
God Most High sought an individual endowed with free choice and are able to voluntarily choose to love Him.
A being in some ways, like what He is.
There Is Danger Of Awarding People Autonomy
But, the possibility with giving your generated being their own free will, is that they may possibly rebel against the creator, and that is exactly what we do.
This is a crisis, consider all those occasions we do and also think about think about and also do that are wrong, often also known as transgression in the Bible, they entirely violate God's character and righteousness, and again, you could say desecrating the Abiding Laws of the very cosmos - the controlled cosmos He built. These trespasses have disconnected us from God.
'"Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful; it is too sick to be healed.' (Jeremiah 17:9)
'Who perceives his unintentional sins? Cleanse me from my hidden faults.' (Psalm 19:12)
Imagine it like this hideous comparison. A new sterile wipe removed from a fresh unopened packing to sterilize your badly bleeding gash, in comparison with a previously used, dirty wipe having been stepped and sat upon for one week off the patients room floor or chairs. Tell me how are you feeling? Argh, repulsive. Now, that is only a glimmer of how the Creator God is revolted by our conduct that is wrong, and that also means the so-called insignificant things we did wrong and sometimes think about, that offend God's holiness, and goes against the uncompromising governing laws of the cosmos.
And that includes the things we deem insignificant, for instance: blaspheming God, conceit, not forgiving somebody that offended us, neglecting Almighty God our Maker and resentfulness, etc....
Any Sin Needs To Be Punished And Almighty God Will Settle The Debt
Our sins are debts to God:
'And forgive us our debts, as we have forgiven our debtors.' (Matthew 6:12)
Every one of these bad things are violations of the divine pureness, honor and authority of the Most High God. Each time we behave in such ways, it is hitting Almighty God in the face. In the Scriptures, contained in the Ten Commandments, The Lord tells us not to speak God's Holy name in vain or glibly. Have you ever desecrated His Holy Name? The Lord tells us not to crave stuff that belong to others. Have you even once had a strong desire to have your friend's life circumstances, home, wife or belongings? The Lord requires that we honour our mother and father. Did you ever show disrespect to your mother? The Lord tells us that it is evil to steal, have you even once stolen anything ever?
God Most High is aware of everything. And, every sin has to be convicted and judged. A time is soon coming when every single sin WILL be judged, or it could be said, reconciled to be at peace with the changeless governing laws of the very cosmos. Or alternatively, the Holy Bible describes it; to pacify the wrath of the Most High God. This will dismay nearly everybody, simply because they have been told that God treasures every person boundlessly, that they believe that God Most High would hardly be enraged with anyone due to any wrong they did.
Regularly I find people, unaware of these basics, questioning ?But, I was told that God really loves humankind? What's this added requirement on purity??
And I say, "Certainly, He actually does love the world, except humans are not able to take the love element of Almighty God and neglect the holiness element. It is unworkable. It is openly declared in Scripture, but you are not often told about this. Unfortunately, these days preachers mostly just convey the nice teachings, not the whole uncomfortable teaching.
We are unable to comprehend the Heavenly God by with our earthly thinking, beliefs and behaviour. God Most High really is ?outa this world? and He conveys to us just who, He really is and the ways He operates in the Bible. Requiring Him to follow our rules, just gives us a useless hopefulness in something that is not genuine and is going to collapse soon.
People wrongly find fault with Almighty God for the troubles in the world, wrong, it is far from God?s failing. He made it all exquisitely, Adam screwed up and we continue to screw up. They violate God's character and righteousness; the 'constant laws and regulations of the cosmos.' Almighty God could not simply come in and make everything perfect for humans. The system or process of this life that Sovereign God set in motion, has to be concluded.
Our sin debts must be paid for.
But, God offered a plan for our wickedness to be paid in full, to satisfy the legal requirements of God's intractable Law, the fixed law of the cosmos. That awesome plan, was the punishment, dying, burial and the resurrecting of His Only Son, Jesus. And, this awesome objective was achieved for all to see before the audience of all creation in the universe ? humans, angelic beings and the Devil.
Jesus Christ was the pure sacrificial Lamb that is able to pay the price our wrong; attitudes, thoughts and behavior. No other means is able to pay for all of our wickedness.
The Bible says:
'For all have sinned (done wrongs stuff) and fall short of the glory of God?' (Romans 3:23)
So, merely being a 'really good boy or girl? and doing much good cannot rescue people from the dire punishment of the evil attitudes, thoughts and behavior, just the Lord Jesus is able to. If the only thing we do in this world is be a good woman or man and maybe even going to church, that cannot rescue any person and will not enable a person to enter into heaven. Meaning, going away to Gehenna, specifically hell:
'For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.' (Romans 6:23)
It is a fact, it is not being good that will save humans, we must repent of all the evil things we do, and serve God. I shall explain this further in a moment.
That is why I find that going to funeral services of a person who is not a follower of Jesus Christ pains me greatly. Which is also why my central concern during life is informing others about who the Creator God actually is. To inform those who do not attend church, and, to those that do attend church but are yet to correctly understood what it was really about. The misunderstanding of the Creator God is prevalent, and is for the reason that the message they listened to was unclear or it was weakened by the erroneous traditions of modern man, from preachers always seeking to make the Eternal, Changeless Great God to look as if He is only a charming, affectionate grandaddy type god, without His awesome perfection and the punishment of wrong stuff. That is undoubtedly a pretend god of their fantasy.
Over and over I see agnostics questioning ?How could God act like that, I thought He is a God of love?? That is true, but you could not reject His scary justice, when His Bible talks a lot more about His sinlessness and scary justice, than His love.
It is impossible to appreciate the Timeless God using our standards of expectation and principles. God Most High really is ?not of this world? and He tells human beings who He really is and that He governs in the Bible. Wishing he might adopt your own standards, just provides us with a hazardously unsound picture of Holy God.
But, keep in mind, there is no way to fake it if you are not real. God is aware of our every single thought on your mind.
God Made Available The Settlement For All Of My Wrong Stuff, When...
The sole way to have one's sins forgiven and be protected from the lake of fire, is to acknowledge how wicked we are before a Holy God, and also to say that we are so very sorry for the things we did wrong. And after that to absolutely surrender one's life to Him, and conform to God as our chief executive for the rest of our lifetime. This, is the correct matrix of humans on the planet He fashioned for Himself:
'And He said to all, "If any one is desirous of following me, let him ignore self and take up his cross day by day, and so be my follower.' (Luke 9:23)
God in no way declared ?Now be a good or pleasant person, achieve some good works for others, and then you will not ever go to the lake of fire .?
No, this is what God Most High said about being forgiven of your iniquity:
'And he told this parable against those men who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and they held contempt for everyone:
Two men went up into the temple to pray: the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. The Pharisee, standing by himself, made this prayer: God, I thank thee, that I am not as the rest of mankind, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or as this tax-gatherer. I fast twice a week; I pay tithes of all that I get.? And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.
I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for everyone that exalts himself shall be abased; and he that humbles himself shall be exalted.' (Luke 18:9-14)
The Religious man in this teaching does not do the seemingly ?really bad' sins like murder, as we say, nevertheless he did not receive a pardon by Almighty God.
While the tax gatherer does do ?really bad' evils yet was forgiven by Sovereign God, given that he rightly regretted his behavior.
It is a humiliating action to admit we are and have been, wrong and to yield our future entirely to the Creator God. Yet without it we wouldn't be protected from our trespasses, we have to come to Almighty God humble and helpless. Jesus Christ said :
'Jesus called for a child to come over and stand near him. and said, Verily I say to you, Unless ye are converted and become as little children, ye will not at all enter into the kingdom of the heavens.' (Matthew 18:2-3)
An Individual's Deficit Cannot Be Settled By Being A Good Person
'For you are saved by grace through faith, and this is not from yourselves; it is God's gift.' (Ephesians 2:8)
Consequently, Are You Going To Repay Your Own Sin In Hellish Torment For Ever And Ever??
'And He said to all, "If any one is desirous of following me, let him ignore self and take up his cross day by day, and so be my follower.' (Luke 9:23)
To ?Take up our cross every day? indicates, we have got to be living in a self-giving way every day for His Kingdom.
The Bible also says:
'Therefore I urge you, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. (Romans 12:1)
'But sanctify Christ the Lord in your hearts, being always ready to give an explanation to all who ask you the reason for that hope which is in you.' (1Peter 3:15)
In summary: God will become your owner. Your entire life. And as Scripture instructs, we live for God, studies in the Scriptures, in? prayer daily, sharing with others about the Creator God, and serving people as we are lead to. Sovereign God, becomes our quest and crusade for the whole of our future.
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